
Why should you choose Agri-Barrier Barn Ventilation Curtains?

When building a barn today, most farmers choose to build a barn with plastic (PVC or PE) curtain sidewalls as opposed to a solid wall.  The swine, turkey, dairy/beef are contained to a barn and may require natural ventilation.  Building a barn with curtain sidewalls allows for this.  The natural ventilation not only removes heat and moisture from the building but also odors and gasses.  Utilizing the Agri-Barrier livestock curtain system can allow the farmer to regulate the temperature and moisture in the barn by raising or lowering the curtain as conditions require.

RF Welding: Creating a Seal with Science

RF Welding: Creating a Seal with Science

Indispensable in the field of vinyl fabric technologies, Radio Frequency (RF) or High Frequency (HF) Welding is a method by which two materials are adhered using electronic currents. This versatile and simple process is used on many engineered textile products, from simple seam and patch attachment to complete item manufacturing.