Celina Tent Establishes Official Fabric Product Proving Grounds

Space for extensive product and design testing installed next to Celina Tent, Inc.’s Celina, Ohio facility.

While they have dedicated space to tent testing in the past, Celina Tent, Inc. has finished installing a 33,750 square foot Proving Ground adjacent to the main manufacturing and distribution center in Celina, Ohio. This area will be used for cumulative outdoor exposure testing on various types of fabric structures and framework designs, exposing them to the elements.

Celina Tent’s in-house Quality Assurance Lab has many testing apparatuses for simulating long term weathering. This can be limited, however, and doesn’t quite cover all possible conditions. Having an outdoor testing site allows for testing not only how frames, hardware, and fabric will hold up under rain and UV exposure but how these factors and items effect each other in a complete installation setting.

Expanding Cumulative Testing Possibilities

This will also allow for testing of installation processes and staking procedures.

New systems are designed for structural support and viability in all types of weather and terrain, but are of little use to anyone if the installation process isn’t simple or intuitive. The new proving grounds will allow not only the engineers in charge of designing the system to monitor installation methods but let additional workmen test out the clarity and effectiveness of the assigned installation practices. Similarly, staking can be thoroughly tested to ensure that the weights and stresses being placed on the anchoring lines are well within the holding power of the stakes or stake assemblies.

The Proving Grounds are a level 135’ by 250’ of gravel, housing a wide array of structures. One side of the plot will be dedicated to the advancement of current fabric structure technologies. This includes existing tent styles such as our main lines of Classic Series Frame Tents, Classic Series Pole Tents, and our other fabric shelters. These will be set up for the long term, with readings taken regularly to test staking procedures and current fabric construction methods. The rest of the area is free for installing test designs. This includes entirely new support structures, and changes to basic designs to make fabric shelters safer, easier to install, and better able to withstand weathering.

A Growing Product Base

One rising area of development includes structures specifically for use by soldiers. Celina Tent has been developing and manufacturing military housing and storage structures for many years, and with an eye dedicated to advancing our designs the Proving Grounds will become an integral step in the research and development.

Jeff Grieshop, President of Celina Tent, Inc.:

“With a dedicated location for tent and shelter testing, Celina can now compare long term performance characteristics between various families of shelters. This real-world wind, snow, and UV data will allow our research and development teams to implement improved manufacturing processes and fabric technologies for all of our products – commercial, military, hospitality, and so on.”


More information on Celina Tent and their recent developments can be found at their websites GetTent.com, CelinaTent.com, and CelinaIndustries.com.

Tel: 866-438-8368

Email: Sales@CelinaTent.com